
Our mission is to guide young adults (18-40) with cancer, to social support programs and services that can help them manage their mental healing as well as their physical battle.

Our goal is to offer young adults navigating a cancer diagnosis support, meeting them where they are on their cancer journey:
- Age appropriate resources through our website and information bags.
- Base2Summit; Our free 6-day adventure based survivorship program (camp) in Northern Michigan.
- Travel expenses to other cancer camp programs and conferences.
- Annual CHSCF Base2Summit Scholarship for post high school education.

Our purpose is to direct and encourage young adults with cancer to engage in and take advantage of these programs and services. The reason we do what we do is clear. Each year more than 85,000 young adults in the United States are diagnosed with cancer and in the last 40 years survival rates for that group have NOT increased. Supporting those young adults and fulfilling their unmet need for information and in-person programming is a challenge; CHSCF intends to fill the void with our outreach programs, including Base2Summit.
The Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer Foundation (CHSCF) was founded in 2012 to support the growing young adult cancer population and address their needs. CHSCF constantly evaluates its programming to best support our mission and those we serve. We believe it is possible to conquer fear through information, our website and information bags are a guide on that quest.

Our impact on a young adult cancer survivor is directly measurable with our Base2Summit (B2S) outdoor adventure-based survivorship program. We expect the foundation’s growth will be greatest in this area. As demand is increasing, we intend to increase B2S camp offerings. Additionally, we will add a component of leadership for alumni to offer post B2S volunteer opportunities during future camp weeks. Our vision is to have in-person programming available to young adults seeking support through peers navigating a similar cancer journey. As part of our strategic plan CHSCF intends to purchase property to one day own our own Base2Summit house!

Our commitment is to lead with impactful programming, fully anticipating the necessity for new funds to support this effort. If you are interested in partnering with us as we grow consider becoming an Ambassador to the foundation.